
300 Illustrations for Preachers is unavailable, but you can change that!

In this book you’ll find 300 of the best illustrations Jim L. Wilson has contributed to Sermons.Logos.com. A veteran pastor and homiletics professor, Wilson knows how to connect with a congregation in a fresh way. With the help of these illustrations, you can too. The illustrations in this book are edited for maximum storytelling effect and tagged with preaching themes and Scripture references,...

Naples, Italy, is a city on the verge of bankruptcy. There are problems with organized crime and an underfunded police department. So what are they spending money on? They have begun to DNA test dog feces so that they can prosecute residents who do not pick up after their dogs. In a city with so many problems, especially financial ones, it is strange to spend money on dog droppings. Tommaso Sodano, the vice mayor, says, “I know some people find it funny that with all the problems the city has, we