
Word Spirit Power: What Happens When You Seek All God Has to Offer is unavailable, but you can change that!

Proven Formula for a Balanced, Effective Christian Life Too often churches emphasize the Bible without welcoming the work of the Holy Spirit, who inspired the Bible. Or they focus on seeking manifestations of the Spirit while neglecting sound Bible teaching. The result: a schism in their faith lives in which they cut God--and his power--out of Christianity's equation. How can God draw a lost...

preaching irresistible, as the apostle Stephen experienced (Acts 6:10). It is a supernatural force that has no natural explanation. So many healings also have a natural explanation, as when medicine or surgery is used. There is certainly nothing wrong in taking appropriate medicine or having an operation. Yet when you pray for the healing of a person who has benefited from medical expertise, you cannot be sure that healing was truly supernatural. It may have a natural explanation. Supernatural, however,