
Disciple: Getting Your Identity from Jesus is unavailable, but you can change that!

This guide looks at the essential elements of discipleship while encouraging readers to think and journal through Scripture. Christians are disciples of Christ. Since our entire identity is defined by Christ, we do well to think carefully about what it means to be a disciple. Bill Clem, an elder at Mars Hill Church in Seattle, looks closely at the characteristics of discipleship. Originally...

David, who has slain our giants of Satan, sin, and death, although in the eyes of the world he was certain to face a crushing defeat at their hands. Jesus is greater than Jonah in that he spent three days in the grave and not just a fish to save a multitude even greater than Nineveh. Furthermore, when Boaz redeemed Ruth and brought her and her despised people into community with God’s people, he was showing what Jesus would do to redeem his bride the church from all the nations of the earth. When Nehemiah