
131 Christians Everyone Should Know is unavailable, but you can change that!

If you think of history as boring, take about three minutes and scan through 131 Christians Everyone Should Know. Zero in on an article, and you may find you can’t read just one! These sketches have been put together by the editors of Christian History magazine, who have an impressive track record for making history come alive every month for their readers. Note the diversity in this volume:...

“Earnest prayers, long fasting, and burning tears may seem befitting, but cannot move the heart of infinite love to a greater willingness to save. God’s time is now. The question is not, What have I been? or What do I expect to be? But, Am I now trusting in Jesus to save to the uttermost? If so, I am now saved from all sin.” For the century after John Wesley founded Methodism, conversion meant emotion, an intense religious experience