
Beyond the First Visit: The Complete Guide to Connecting Guests to Your Church is unavailable, but you can change that!

All churches like to think that theirs is the friendliest in town. But do visitors see it that way? Church consultant Gary McIntosh invites readers to take a look at their church through the eyes of visitors and potential visitors. His starting point, grounded in an understanding of God as a "welcomer," is that churches should see those who enter their doors as not merely visitors, but as guests,...

This means that most of the new people who connect with the church will make first contact through the worship service, rather than through small groups or other ministries. Churches that focus primarily on front-door ministry must put major emphasis on being effective hosts. Being a healthy, growing front-door church requires: • effective ways to invite people to church • a worship service that is well presented • a pastor who is an above-average preacher • workable systems for welcoming newcomers