
Divine Intention: How God's Work in the Early Church Empowers Us Today is unavailable, but you can change that!

When a group of people practice something for two thousand years, the expectation is that they'd eventually get whatever it was they were committed to doing right. But the fact is that we as individuals and as a corporate community are still struggling with many of the issues that plagued the early church. Larry Shallenberger takes a fresh look at the book of Acts to help you gain a deeper...

The rushing wind let the first believers know that “breathing in God” was a key to life in the Spirit. This metaphor helps us understand and express our relationship with the Holy Spirit in the language of dependency. The Holy Spirit offers life; we inhale the Spirit as if our spiritual life depended on it. Leonard Sweet, in his book SoulSalsa, writes, The word spirituality comes from the Latin spiritus, which means “breath of life.” In Hebrew it is ruah; in Greek, pneuma; in English, wind or breath.