
The New Testament: An Expanded Translation is unavailable, but you can change that!

Unlike other versions of the New Testament, this translation uses as many English words as are necessary to bring out the richness, force, and clarity of the Greek Text. Intended as a companion to, or commentary on, the standard translations, Wuest's "expanded translation" follows the Greek word order and especially reflects emphases and contrasts indicated by the original text.

And it came to pass while He was praying in a certain place that when He ceased, a certain one of His pupils said to Him, Lord, teach us to be praying even as also John taught his pupils. And He said to them, When you pray, be saying, Father, cause your Name to be set apart as sacred and the object of veneration. Your kingdom, cause that it should come. Our bread for the coming day be giving us daily. And forgive us our sins even as we ourselves also are in the habit of forgiving everyone...
Luke 11:1–4