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Published in 1560, the Geneva Bible is arguably the most important early English translation of the Bible. With the publication of the New Testament in 1557, and the complete Bible in 1560, the Geneva Bible predates the King James Version by 51 years. Some of history’s most influential men, such as William Shakespeare, Oliver Cromwell, John Milton, John Knox, and John Bunyan, used the Geneva...

After this maner therefore pray ye, Our father which art in heaven, halowed be thy Name. Thy kingdome come. Thy wilbe done even in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our dettes, as we also forgive our detters. And lead us not into tentation, but deliver us frõ evil: for thine is the kingdome, and the power, and the glorie for ever, Amen.
Matthew 6:9–13