
聖經新譯本(繁體•神字版) is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Chinese New Version Bible (CNV) is a completely new translation of the Bible in traditional (聖經新譯本) Chinese. It was completed by a team of 50 Chinese biblical scholars from the 1970’s until 2001. These Chinese biblical scholars are experts in the original languages and had their translation done directly from the best available Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts into modern Chinese. The CNV is...

看哪,這就是我和你所立的約:你要作多國的父。 你的名不要再叫亞伯蘭, 要叫亞伯拉罕,因為我已經立了你作萬國的父。 我要使你極其昌盛,國度因你而立,君王必從你而出。我要與你,和你世世代代的後裔,堅立我的約,成為永遠的約,使我作你和你的後裔的 神。我要把你現在寄居的地,就是迦南全地,賜給你和你的後裔,作永遠的產業,我也要作他們的 神。」
Genesis 17:4–8