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2 Maccabees 7:1–42
It came to pass also, that seven brethren with their mother were taken, and compelled by the king aagainst the law bto taste swine’s flesh, and were tormented with scourges and whips. 2 But one of them that spake first said thus, What wouldest thou ask or learn of us? we are ready to die, rather than to transgress the laws of our fathers. 3 bbThen the king, being in a rage, commanded cpans and caldrons to be made hot: 4 which forthwith being heated, he commanded kto cut out the tongue of him that spake first, and kto cut off the utmost parts of his body, the rest of his brethren and his mother looking on. 5 Now when he was thus maimed in all his members, he commanded him being yet alive to be brought to the fire, and to be fried in the pan: and as the vapour of the pan was for a good space dispersed, they exhorted one another with the mother to die manfully, saying thus, 6 The Lord God looketh upon us, and in truth hath comfort in us, as dMoses in his song, which witnessed to their faces, edeclared, saying, dAnd he shall be comforted in his servants. 7 So when the first was dead after this manner, they brought the second to make him fa mocking stock: and when they had pulled off the skin of his head with the hair, they asked him, Wilt thou eat, before thou be punished throughout every member of thy body? 8 But he answered pin his own language, and said, No. Wherefore he also received gthe next torment in order, as the former did. 9 And when he was at the last gasp, he said, Thou like a fury htakest us out of this present life, but ithe King of the world shall raise us up, who have died for his laws, junto everlasting life. 10 After him was the third fmade a mocking stock: and when he was required, khe put out his tongue, and that right soon, kholding forth his hands manfully, 11 and said courageously, These I had from lheaven; and for lhis laws I sdespise them; and jllfrom him I hope to receive them again. 12 Insomuch that the king, and they that were with him, marvelled at the young man’s courage, for that he nothing regarded the pains. 13 Now when this man was dead also, they tormented and mangled the fourth in like manner. 14 So when he was ready to die he said thus, It is good, being put to death by men, to look for hope from God jto be raised up again by him: as for thee, jthou shalt have no resurrection to life. 15 Afterward they brought the fifth also, and mangled him. 16 Then looked he unto the king, and said, Thou hast power over men, thou art corruptible, thou doest what thou wilt; yet think not that our nation is forsaken of God; 17 but abide a while, and behold mhis great power, how he will torment thee and thy seed. 18 After him also they brought the sixth, who being ready to die said, Be not deceived without cause: nfor we suffer these things for ourselves, having sinned against our God: therefore marvellous things are done unto us. 19 But think not thou, that takest in hand oto strive against God, that thou shalt escape unpunished.
20 But the mother was marvellous above all, and worthy of honourable memory: for when she saw her seven sons slain within the space of one day, she bare it with a good courage, because of the hope that she had in the Lord. 21 Yea, she exhorted every one of them pin her own language, filled with courageous spirits; and stirring up her womanish thoughts with a manly stomach, she said unto them, 22 qI cannot tell how you came into my womb; for I neither gave you breath nor life, neither was it I that formed the members of every one of you; 23 but doubtless rthe Creator of the world, who formed the generation of man, and found out the beginning of all things, will also of his own mercy jgive you breath and life again, as you now sregard not your own selves for his laws’ sake.
24 Now Antiochus, thinking himself despised, and psuspecting it to be a reproachful speech, whiles the youngest was yet alive, did not only exhort him by words, but also assured him with oaths, that he would make him both a rich and a happy man, if he would turn from the laws of his fathers; and that also he would take him for his friend, and trust him with taffairs. 25 But when the young man would in no case hearken unto him, the king called his mother, and exhorted her that she would counsel the young man to save his life. 26 And when he had exhorted her with many words, she promised him that she would counsel her son. 27 But she bowing herself toward him, laughing the cruel tyrant to scorn, spake pin her country language on this manner; O my son, have pity upon me that bare thee nine months in my womb, and gave thee suck three years, and nourished thee, and brought thee up unto this age, and uendured the troubles of education. 28 I beseech thee, my son, look upon the heaven and the earth, and all that is therein, and consider that xGod made them of things that were not; and yso was mankind made likewise. 29 Fear not this ztormentor, but, being worthy of thy brethren, take thy death, that jI may receive thee again in mercy with thy brethren. 30 Whiles she was yet speaking these words, the young man said,
Whom wait ye for? I will not obey the king’s acommandment: but I will obey the commandment of the law that was given unto our fathers by Moses. 31 And thou, that hast been the author of all mischief against the Hebrews, bshalt not escape the hands of God. 32 cFor we suffer because of our sins. 33 And though dthe living Lord be angry with us a little while for our chastening and correction, yet shall he ebe at one again with his servants. 34 But thou, O godless man, and of all other most wicked, fbe not lifted up without a cause, nor puffed up with uncertain hopes, lifting up thy hand against the servants gof God: 35 for hthou hast not yet escaped the judgment of iAlmighty God, who seeth all things. 36 For our brethren, who now have suffered a short pain, are dead under jGod’s covenant of everlasting life: but thou, through the judgment of God, shalt receive just punishment for thy pride. 37 But I, as my brethren, offer up my body and life for the laws of our fathers, beseeching God that he would speedily be merciful unto our nation; and kthat thou by ltorments and plagues mayest confess, that mhe alone is God; 38 and that in me and my brethren the wrath of the iAlmighty, cwhich is justly brought upon all our nation, may cease.
39 nThen the king, being in a rage, handled him worse than all the rest, and took it grievously that he was mocked. 40 So this man died undefiled, and put his whole trust in the Lord. 41 oLast of all after the sons the mother died. 42 Let this be enough now to have spoken concerning pthe idolatrous feasts, and the extreme qtortures.
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