
The Aramaic Bible, Volume 1A: Targum Neofiti 1: Genesis is unavailable, but you can change that!

Beginning with an introduction of the “Palestinian Targums,” or “Targum Yerushalmi,” the author relates the history of the term, research in the field, and other background information on the Palestinian Pentateuch Targums before providing a verse-by-verse translation of Neofiti 1.

And Adam said: “This time, and never again, is a woman created from man, as this one has been created from me, bone from my bone and flesh from my flesh. It is fitting that this one be called woman because it is from a male that this one has been created.” For this reason shall a man separate his couch from that of his father and that of his mother and adhere to his wife. And the two of them will become one flesh. And both of them were naked, Adam and his wife, and as yet they did not know...
Genesis 2:23–25