
Sirach 35:2–15

He who returns a kindness offers fine flour,

and he who gives alms sacrifices a thank offering.

To keep from wickedness is pleasing to the Lord,

and to forsake unrighteousness is atonement.

Do not appear before the Lord empty-handed,

for all these things are to be done because of the commandment.

The offering of a righteous man anoints the altar,

and its pleasing odor rises before the Most High.

The sacrifice of a righteous man is acceptable,

and the memory of it will not be forgotten.

Glorify the Lord generously,

and do not stint the first fruits of your hands.

With every gift show a cheerful face,

and dedicate your tithe with gladness.

10 Give to the Most High as he has given,

and as generously as your hand has found.

11 For the Lord is the one who repays,

and he will repay you sevenfold.

12 Do not offer him a bribe, for he will not accept it;

and do not trust to an unrighteous sacrifice;

for the Lord is the judge,

and with him is no partiality.

13 He will not show partiality in the case of a poor man;

and he will listen to the prayer of one who is wronged.

14 He will not ignore the supplication of the fatherless,

nor the widow when she pours out her story.

15 Do not the tears of the widow run down her cheek

as she cries out against him who has caused them to fall?

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