
Sirach 1:11–20

11 The fear of the Lord is glory and exultation,

and gladness and a crown of rejoicing.

12 The fear of the Lord delights the heart,

and gives gladness and joy and long life.

13 With him who fears the Lord it will go well at the end;

on the day of his death he will be blessed.

14 To fear the Lord is the beginning of wisdom;

she is created with the faithful in the womb.

15 She madef among men an eternal foundation,

and among their descendants she will be trusted.

16 To fear the Lord is wisdom’s full measure;

she satisfiesg men with her fruits;

17 she fills their whole house with desirable goods,

and their storehouses with her produce.

18 The fear of the Lord is the crown of wisdom,

making peace and perfect health to flourish.

19 He saw her and apportioned her;

he rained down knowledge and discerning comprehension,

and he exalted the glory of those who held her fast.

20 To fear the Lord is the root of wisdom,

and her branches are long life.*

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