
Micah 1:8–16

The Doom of the Cities of Judah

8 For this I will lament and wail;

I will go barefoot and naked;

I will make lamentation like the jackals,

and mourning like the ostriches.

9 For her woundb is incurable.

It has come to Judah;

it has reached to the gate of my people,

to Jerusalem.

10 Tell it not in Gath,

weep not at all;

in Beth-leaphrah

roll yourselves in the dust.

11 Pass on your way,

inhabitants of Shaphir,

in nakedness and shame;

the inhabitants of Zaanan

do not come forth;

Beth-ezel is wailing

and shall remove its support from you.

12 For the inhabitants of Maroth

wait anxiously for good,

yet disaster has come down from the Lord

to the gate of Jerusalem.

13 Harness the steeds to the chariots,

inhabitants of Lachish;

it was the beginning of sin

to daughter Zion,

for in you were found

the transgressions of Israel.

14 Therefore you shall give parting gifts

to Moresheth-gath;

the houses of Achzib shall be a deception

to the kings of Israel.

15 I will again bring a conqueror upon you,

inhabitants of Mareshah;

the glory of Israel

shall come to Adullam.

16 Make yourselves bald and cut off your hair

for your pampered children;

make yourselves as bald as the eagle,

for they have gone from you into exile.

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