
Isaiah 1:21–26

The Degenerate City

21 How the faithful city

has become a whore!

She that was full of justice,

righteousness lodged in her—

but now murderers!

22 Your silver has become dross,

your wine is mixed with water.

23 Your princes are rebels

and companions of thieves.

Everyone loves a bribe

and runs after gifts.

They do not defend the orphan,

and the widow’s cause does not come before them.

24 Therefore says the Sovereign, the Lord of hosts, the Mighty One of Israel:

Ah, I will pour out my wrath on my enemies,

and avenge myself on my foes!

25 I will turn my hand against you;

I will smelt away your dross as with lye

and remove all your alloy.

26 And I will restore your judges as at the first,

and your counselors as at the beginning.

Afterward you shall be called the city of righteousness,

the faithful city.

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Isaiah 1:21–26 — The New International Version (NIV)

21 See how the faithful city

has become a prostitute!

She once was full of justice;

righteousness used to dwell in her—

but now murderers!

22 Your silver has become dross,

your choice wine is diluted with water.

23 Your rulers are rebels,

partners with thieves;

they all love bribes

and chase after gifts.

They do not defend the cause of the fatherless;

the widow’s case does not come before them.

24 Therefore the Lord, the Lord Almighty,

the Mighty One of Israel, declares:

“Ah! I will vent my wrath on my foes

and avenge myself on my enemies.

25 I will turn my hand against you;

I will thoroughly purge away your dross

and remove all your impurities.

26 I will restore your leaders as in days of old,

your rulers as at the beginning.

Afterward you will be called

the City of Righteousness,

the Faithful City.”

Isaiah 1:21–26 — English Standard Version (ESV)

21 How the faithful city

has become a whore,

she who was full of justice!

Righteousness lodged in her,

but now murderers.

22 Your silver has become dross,

your best wine mixed with water.

23 Your princes are rebels

and companions of thieves.

Everyone loves a bribe

and runs after gifts.

They do not bring justice to the fatherless,

and the widow’s cause does not come to them.

24 Therefore the Lord declares,

the Lord of hosts,

the Mighty One of Israel:

“Ah, I will get relief from my enemies

and avenge myself on my foes.

25 I will turn my hand against you

and will smelt away your dross as with lye

and remove all your alloy.

26 And I will restore your judges as at the first,

and your counselors as at the beginning.

Afterward you shall be called the city of righteousness,

the faithful city.”

Isaiah 1:21–26 — King James Version (KJV 1900)

21 How is the faithful city become an harlot!

It was full of judgment; righteousness lodged in it;

But now murderers.

22 Thy silver is become dross,

Thy wine mixed with water:

23 Thy princes are rebellious, and companions of thieves:

Every one loveth gifts, and followeth after rewards:

They judge not the fatherless,

Neither doth the cause of the widow come unto them.

24 Therefore saith the Lord, the Lord of hosts, the mighty One of Israel,

Ah, I will ease me of mine adversaries,

And avenge me of mine enemies:

25 And I will turn my hand upon thee,

And purely purge away thy dross,

And take away all thy tin:

26 And I will restore thy judges as at the first,

And thy counsellers as at the beginning:

Afterward thou shalt be called,

The city of righteousness, the faithful city.

Isaiah 1:21–26 — New Living Translation (NLT)

21 See how Jerusalem, once so faithful,

has become a prostitute.

Once the home of justice and righteousness,

she is now filled with murderers.

22 Once like pure silver,

you have become like worthless slag.

Once so pure,

you are now like watered-down wine.

23 Your leaders are rebels,

the companions of thieves.

All of them love bribes

and demand payoffs,

but they refuse to defend the cause of orphans

or fight for the rights of widows.

24 Therefore, the Lord, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies,

the Mighty One of Israel, says,

“I will take revenge on my enemies

and pay back my foes!

25 I will raise my fist against you.

I will melt you down and skim off your slag.

I will remove all your impurities.

26 Then I will give you good judges again

and wise counselors like you used to have.

Then Jerusalem will again be called the Home of Justice

and the Faithful City.”

Isaiah 1:21–26 — The New King James Version (NKJV)

21 How the faithful city has become a harlot!

It was full of justice;

Righteousness lodged in it,

But now murderers.

22 Your silver has become dross,

Your wine mixed with water.

23 Your princes are rebellious,

And companions of thieves;

Everyone loves bribes,

And follows after rewards.

They do not defend the fatherless,

Nor does the cause of the widow come before them.

24 Therefore the Lord says,

The Lord of hosts, the Mighty One of Israel,

“Ah, I will rid Myself of My adversaries,

And take vengeance on My enemies.

25 I will turn My hand against you,

And thoroughly purge away your dross,

And take away all your alloy.

26 I will restore your judges as at the first,

And your counselors as at the beginning.

Afterward you shall be called the city of righteousness, the faithful city.”

Isaiah 1:21–26 — New Century Version (NCV)

21 The city of Jerusalem once followed the Lord,

but she is no longer loyal to him.

She used to be filled with fairness;

people there lived the way God wanted.

But now, murderers live there.

22 Jerusalem, you have become like the scum left when silver is purified;

you are like wine mixed with water.

23 Your rulers are rebels

and friends of thieves.

They all accept money for doing wrong,

and they are paid to cheat people.

They don’t seek justice for the orphans

or listen to the widows’ needs.

24 So the Lord God All-Powerful,

the Mighty One of Israel, says:

“You, my enemies, will not cause me any more trouble.

I will pay you back for what you did.

25 I will turn against you

and clean away all your wrongs as if with soap;

I will take all the worthless things out of you.

26 I will bring back judges as you had long ago;

your counselors will be like those you had in the beginning.

Then you will be called the City That Is Right with God,

the Loyal City.”

Isaiah 1:21–26 — American Standard Version (ASV)

21 How is the faithful city become a harlot! she that was full of justice! righteousness lodged in her, but now murderers. 22 Thy silver is become dross, thy wine mixed with water. 23 Thy princes are rebellious, and companions of thieves; every one loveth bribes, and followeth after rewards: they judge not the fatherless, neither doth the cause of the widow come unto them.

24 Therefore saith the Lord, Jehovah of hosts, the Mighty One of Israel, Ah, I will ease me of mine adversaries, and avenge me of mine enemies; 25 and I will turn my hand upon thee, and thoroughly purge away thy dross, and will take away all thy tin; 26 and I will restore thy judges as at the first, and thy counsellors as at the beginning: afterward thou shalt be called The city of righteousness, a faithful town.

Isaiah 1:21–26 — 1890 Darby Bible (DARBY)

21 How is the faithful city become a harlot! It was full of judgment; righteousness used to lodge in it, but now murderers. 22 Thy silver is become dross, thy wine is mixed with water: 23 thy princes are rebellious, and companions of thieves; every one loveth presents, and hunteth after rewards; they judge not the fatherless, and the cause of the widow cometh not unto them. 24 Therefore saith the Lord, Jehovah of hosts, the Mighty One of Israel: Ah! I will ease me of mine adversaries, and avenge me of mine enemies. 25 And I will turn my hand upon thee, and will thoroughly purge away thy dross, and take away all thine alloy; 26 and I will restore thy judges as at the first, and thy counsellors as at the beginning. Afterwards thou shalt be called, Town of righteousness, Faithful city.

Isaiah 1:21–26 — GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)

21 How the faithful town has become a prostitute! 

She was full of justice, 

and righteousness lived in her. 

But now murderers live there! 

22 Your silver is not pure. 

Your wine is watered down. 

23 Your rulers are rebels, friends with thieves. 

They all love bribes and run after gifts. 

They never defend orphans. 

They don’t notice the widows’ pleas. 

24 That’s why the Lord, the Lord of Armies, the Mighty One of Israel, says, 

“How horrible it will be when I take revenge on my opponents! 

I will avenge myself against my enemies. 

25 I will turn my power against you. 

I will remove your impurities with bleach. 

I will get rid of all your impurities. 

26 I will give you judges like you had long ago, 

advisers like you had in the beginning. 

After that you will be called the Righteous City, 

the Faithful Town.” 

Isaiah 1:21–26 — The Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

21 The faithful city—

what an adulteress she has become!

She was once full of justice.

Righteousness once dwelt in her—

but now, murderers!

22 Your silver has become dross,

your beer is diluted with water.

23 Your rulers are rebels,

friends of thieves.

They all love graft

and chase after bribes.

They do not defend the rights of the fatherless,

and the widow’s case never comes before them.

24 Therefore the Lord God of Hosts,

the Mighty One of Israel, declares:

“Ah, I will gain satisfaction from My foes;

I will take revenge against My enemies.

25 I will turn My hand against you

and will burn away your dross completely;

I will remove all your impurities.

26 I will restore your judges to what they once were,

and your advisers to their former state.

Afterward you will be called the Righteous City,

a Faithful City.”

Isaiah 1:21–26 — The Lexham English Bible (LEB)

21 How has a faithful city become like a whore?

Full of justice, righteousness lodged in her, but now murderers.

22 Your silver has become as dross;

Your wine is diluted with waters.

23 Your princes are rebels

and companions of thieves.

Every one loves a bribe

and runs after gifts.

They do not defend the orphan

and the legal dispute of the widow does not come before them.

24 Therefore, the declaration of the Lord Yahweh of hosts, the Mighty One of Israel:

“Ah, I will be relieved of my enemies,

and I will avenge myself on my foes.

25 And I will turn my hand against you;

I will purify your dross like lye,

and I will remove all of your tin.

26 And I will restore your judges, as at the first,

and your counselors, as at the beginning.

After this you will be called the city of righteousness,

faithful city.

Isaiah 1:21–26 — New International Reader’s Version (1998) (NIrV)

21 See how the faithful city of Jerusalem

has become like a prostitute!

Once it was full of people who treated others fairly.

Those who did what was right used to live in it.

But now murderers live there!

22 Jerusalem, your silver isn’t pure anymore.

Your best wine has been made weak with water.

23 Your rulers refuse to obey the Lord.

They are companions of robbers.

All of them love to accept money from those who want special favors.

They are always looking for gifts from other people.

They don’t stand up in court for children whose fathers have died.

They don’t do it for widows either.

24 The Lord is the Mighty One of Israel.

The Lord who rules over all announces,

“Israel, you have become my enemies.

I will pay you back for what you have done.

Then you will not trouble me anymore.

25 I will turn my powerful hand against you.

I will make you completely clean.

I will remove everything that is not pure.

26 I will give judges to you like the ones you had long ago.

I will give you advisers like those you had at the beginning.

Then you will be called

The City That Does What Is Right.

You will also be called The Faithful City.”

Isaiah 1:21–26 — New American Standard Bible: 1995 Update (NASB95)

21 How the faithful city has become a harlot,

She who was full of justice!

Righteousness once lodged in her,

But now murderers.

22 Your silver has become dross,

Your drink diluted with water.

23 Your rulers are rebels

And companions of thieves;

Everyone loves a bribe

And chases after rewards.

They do not defend the orphan,

Nor does the widow’s plea come before them.

24 Therefore the Lord God of hosts,

The Mighty One of Israel, declares,

Ah, I will be relieved of My adversaries

And avenge Myself on My foes.

25 “I will also turn My hand against you,

And will smelt away your dross as with lye

And will remove all your alloy.

26 “Then I will restore your judges as at the first,

And your counselors as at the beginning;

After that you will be called the city of righteousness,

A faithful city.”

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