
Leviticus 11:29–43

29 ‘These also shall be unclean to you among the creeping things that creep on the earth: the mole, jthe mouse, and the large lizard after its kind; 30 the gecko, the monitor lizard, the sand reptile, the sand lizard, and the chameleon. 31 These are unclean to you among all that creep. Whoever ktouches them when they are dead shall be unclean until evening. 32 Anything on which any of them falls, when they are dead shall be 6unclean, whether it is any item of wood or clothing or skin or sack, whatever item it is, in which any work is done, lit must be put in water. And it shall be unclean until evening; then it shall be clean. 33 Any mearthen vessel into which any of them falls nyou shall break; and whatever is in it shall be unclean: 34 in such a vessel, any edible food upon which water falls becomes unclean, and any drink that may be drunk from it becomes unclean. 35 And everything on which a part of any such carcass falls shall be unclean; whether it is an oven or cooking stove, it shall be broken down; for they are unclean, and shall be unclean to you. 36 Nevertheless a spring or a cistern, in which there is plenty of water, shall be clean, but whatever touches any such carcass becomes unclean. 37 And if a part of any such carcass falls on any planting seed which is to be sown, it remains clean. 38 But if water is put on the seed, and if a part of any such carcass falls on it, it becomes 7unclean to you.

39 ‘And if any animal which you may eat dies, he who touches its carcass shall be ounclean until evening. 40 pHe who eats of its carcass shall wash his clothes and be unclean until evening. He also who carries its carcass shall wash his clothes and be unclean until evening.

41 ‘And every creeping thing that creeps on the earth shall be 8an abomination. It shall not be eaten. 42 Whatever crawls on its belly, whatever goes on all fours, or whatever has many feet among all creeping things that creep on the earth—these you shall not eat, for they are an abomination. 43 qYou shall not make 9yourselves 1abominable with any creeping thing that creeps; nor shall you make yourselves unclean with them, lest you be defiled by them.

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