
Job 19:6–12

6 Know then that bGod has wronged me,

And has surrounded me with His net.

7 “If I cry out concerning 3wrong, I am not heard.

If I cry aloud, there is no justice.

8 cHe has 4fenced up my way, so that I cannot pass;

And He has set darkness in my paths.

9 dHe has stripped me of my glory,

And taken the crown from my head.

10 He breaks me down on every side,

And I am gone;

My ehope He has uprooted like a tree.

11 He has also kindled His wrath against me,

And fHe counts me as one of His enemies.

12 His troops come together

And build up their road against me;

They encamp all around my tent.

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Job 19:6–12 — The New International Version (NIV)

then know that God has wronged me

and drawn his net around me.

“Though I cry, ‘Violence!’ I get no response;

though I call for help, there is no justice.

He has blocked my way so I cannot pass;

he has shrouded my paths in darkness.

He has stripped me of my honor

and removed the crown from my head.

10 He tears me down on every side till I am gone;

he uproots my hope like a tree.

11 His anger burns against me;

he counts me among his enemies.

12 His troops advance in force;

they build a siege ramp against me

and encamp around my tent.

Job 19:6–12 — English Standard Version (ESV)

know then that God has put me in the wrong

and closed his net about me.

Behold, I cry out, ‘Violence!’ but I am not answered;

I call for help, but there is no justice.

He has walled up my way, so that I cannot pass,

and he has set darkness upon my paths.

He has stripped from me my glory

and taken the crown from my head.

10 He breaks me down on every side, and I am gone,

and my hope has he pulled up like a tree.

11 He has kindled his wrath against me

and counts me as his adversary.

12 His troops come on together;

they have cast up their siege ramp against me

and encamp around my tent.

Job 19:6–12 — King James Version (KJV 1900)

Know now that God hath overthrown me,

And hath compassed me with his net.

Behold, I cry out of wrong, but I am not heard:

I cry aloud, but there is no judgment.

He hath fenced up my way that I cannot pass,

And he hath set darkness in my paths.

He hath stripped me of my glory,

And taken the crown from my head.

10 He hath destroyed me on every side, and I am gone:

And mine hope hath he removed like a tree.

11 He hath also kindled his wrath against me,

And he counteth me unto him as one of his enemies.

12 His troops come together,

And raise up their way against me,

And encamp round about my tabernacle.

Job 19:6–12 — New Living Translation (NLT)

But it is God who has wronged me,

capturing me in his net.

“I cry out, ‘Help!’ but no one answers me.

I protest, but there is no justice.

God has blocked my way so I cannot move.

He has plunged my path into darkness.

He has stripped me of my honor

and removed the crown from my head.

10 He has demolished me on every side, and I am finished.

He has uprooted my hope like a fallen tree.

11 His fury burns against me;

he counts me as an enemy.

12 His troops advance.

They build up roads to attack me.

They camp all around my tent.

Job 19:6–12 — New Century Version (NCV)

Then know that God has wronged me

and pulled his net around me.

“I shout, ‘I have been wronged!’

But I get no answer.

I scream for help

but I get no justice.

God has blocked my way so I cannot pass;

he has covered my paths with darkness.

He has taken away my honor

and removed the crown from my head.

10 He beats me down on every side until I am gone;

he destroys my hope like a fallen tree.

11 His anger burns against me,

and he treats me like an enemy.

12 His armies gather;

they prepare to attack me.

They camp around my tent.

Job 19:6–12 — American Standard Version (ASV)

Know now that God hath subverted me in my cause,

And hath compassed me with his net.

Behold, I cry out of wrong, but I am not heard:

I cry for help, but there is no justice.

He hath walled up my way that I cannot pass,

And hath set darkness in my paths.

He hath stripped me of my glory,

And taken the crown from my head.

10 He hath broken me down on every side, and I am gone;

And my hope hath he plucked up like a tree.

11 He hath also kindled his wrath against me,

And he counteth me unto him as one of his adversaries.

12 His troops come on together,

And cast up their way against me,

And encamp round about my tent.

Job 19:6–12 — 1890 Darby Bible (DARBY)

Know now that †God hath overthrown me, and hath surrounded me with his net. Behold, I cry out of wrong, and I am not heard; I cry aloud, but there is no judgment.

He hath hedged up my way that I cannot pass, and he hath set darkness in my paths. He hath stripped me of my glory, and taken the crown from my head. 10 He breaketh me down on every side, and I am gone; and my hope hath he torn up as a tree. 11 And he hath kindled his anger against me, and hath counted me unto him as one of his enemies. 12 His troops have come together and cast up their way against me, and have encamped round about my tent.

Job 19:6–12 — GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)

then I want you to know that God has wronged me 

and surrounded me with his net. 

Indeed, I cry, ‘Help! I’m being attacked!’ but I get no response. 

I call for help, but there is no justice. 

“God has blocked my path so that I can’t go on. 

He has made my paths dark. 

He has stripped me of my honor. 

He has taken the crown off my head. 

10 He beats me down on every side until I’m gone. 

He uproots my hope like a tree. 

11 He is very angry at me. 

He considers me to be his enemy. 

12 His troops assemble against me. 

They build a ramp to attack me 

and camp around my tent. 

Job 19:6–12 — The Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

then understand that it is God who has wronged me

and caught me in His net.

I cry out: “Violence!” but get no response;

I call for help, but there is no justice.

He has blocked my way so that I cannot pass through;

He has veiled my paths with darkness.

He has stripped me of my honor

and removed the crown from my head.

10 He tears me down on every side so that I am ruined.

He uproots my hope like a tree.

11 His anger burns against me,

and He regards me as one of His enemies.

12 His troops advance together;

they construct a ramp against me

and camp around my tent.

Job 19:6–12 — The New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

know then that God has put me in the wrong,

and closed his net around me.

Even when I cry out, ‘Violence!’ I am not answered;

I call aloud, but there is no justice.

He has walled up my way so that I cannot pass,

and he has set darkness upon my paths.

He has stripped my glory from me,

and taken the crown from my head.

10 He breaks me down on every side, and I am gone,

he has uprooted my hope like a tree.

11 He has kindled his wrath against me,

and counts me as his adversary.

12 His troops come on together;

they have thrown up siegeworks against me,

and encamp around my tent.

Job 19:6–12 — The Lexham English Bible (LEB)

know then that God has wronged me

and has surrounded me with his net.

“Look, I cry out, ‘Violence!’ but I am not answered;

I cry out, but there is no justice.

He has walled up my way so that I cannot pass;

and he has set darkness upon my paths.

He has taken my glory from me,

and he has removed the crown of my head.

10 He has broken me down all around, and I am gone.

And he has uprooted my hope like a tree,

11 and he has kindled his wrath against me,

and he has counted me as one of his foes.

12 His troops have come together

and have thrown up their rampart against me

and have encamped around my tent.

Job 19:6–12 — New International Reader’s Version (1998) (NIrV)

Then I want you to know that God hasn’t treated me right.

In fact, he has captured me in his net.

“I cry out, ‘Someone harmed me!’

But I don’t get any reply.

I call out for help.

But I’m not treated fairly.

God has blocked my way, and I can’t get through.

He has made my paths so dark I can’t see where I’m going.

He has taken my wealth away from me.

He has stripped me of my honor.

10 He tears me down on every side until I’m gone.

He pulls up the roots of my hope as if I were a tree.

11 His anger burns against me.

He thinks I’m one of his enemies.

12 His troops march toward me in force.

They come at me from every direction.

They camp around my tent.

Job 19:6–12 — New American Standard Bible: 1995 Update (NASB95)

Know then that God has wronged me

And has closed His net around me.

Behold, I cry, ‘Violence!’ but I get no answer;

I shout for help, but there is no justice.

“He has walled up my way so that I cannot pass,

And He has put darkness on my paths.

“He has stripped my honor from me

And removed the crown from my head.

10 “He breaks me down on every side, and I am gone;

And He has uprooted my hope like a tree.

11 “He has also kindled His anger against me

And considered me as His enemy.

12 “His troops come together,

And build up their way against me

And camp around my tent.

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