
Jeremiah 2:1–15

God’s Case Against Israel

2 Moreover the word of the Lord came to me, saying, “Go and cry in the hearing of Jerusalem, saying, ‘Thus says the Lord:

“I remember you,

The kindness of your ayouth,

The love of your betrothal,

bWhen you 1went after Me in the wilderness,

In a land not sown.

3 cIsrael was holiness to the Lord,

dThe firstfruits of His increase.

eAll that devour him will offend;

Disaster will fcome upon them,” says the Lord.’ ”

Hear the word of the Lord, O house of Jacob and all the families of the house of Israel. Thus says the Lord:

g“What injustice have your fathers found in Me,

That they have gone far from Me,

hHave followed 2idols,

And have become idolaters?

6 Neither did they say, ‘Where is the Lord,

Who ibrought us up out of the land of Egypt,

Who led us through jthe wilderness,

Through a land of deserts and pits,

Through a land of drought and the shadow of death,

Through a land that no one crossed

And where no one dwelt?’

7 I brought you into ka bountiful country,

To eat its fruit and its goodness.

But when you entered, you ldefiled My land

And made My heritage an abomination.

8 The priests did not say, ‘Where is the Lord?’

And those who handle the mlaw did not know Me;

The rulers also transgressed against Me;

nThe prophets prophesied by Baal,

And walked after things that do not profit.

9 “Therefore oI will yet 3bring charges against you,” says the Lord,

“And against your children’s children I will bring charges.

10 For pass beyond the coasts of 4Cyprus and see,

Send to 5Kedar and consider diligently,

And see if there has been such a pthing.

11 qHas a nation changed its gods,

Which are rnot gods?

sBut My people have changed their Glory

For what does not profit.

12 Be astonished, O heavens, at this,

And be horribly afraid;

Be very desolate,” says the Lord.

13 “For My people have committed two evils:

They have forsaken Me, the tfountain of living waters,

And hewn themselves cisterns—broken cisterns that can hold no water.

14 Is Israel ua servant?

Is he a homeborn slave?

Why is he plundered?

15 vThe young lions roared at him, and growled;

They made his land waste;

His cities are burned, without inhabitant.

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