
Isaiah 51:17–23

The Cup of the Lord’s Wrath

17 Awake, awake!t

Rise up, Jerusalem,

you who have drunk from the hand of the Lord

the cupu of his wrath,v

you who have drained to its dregsw

the goblet that makes people stagger.x

18 Among all the childreny she bore

there was none to guide her;z

among all the children she reared

there was none to take her by the hand.a

19 These double calamitiesb have come upon you—

who can comfort you?c

ruin and destruction,d faminee and swordf

who cana console you?

20 Your children have fainted;

they lie at every street corner,g

like antelope caught in a net.h

They are filled with the wrathi of the Lord,

with the rebukej of your God.

21 Therefore hear this, you afflictedk one,

made drunk,l but not with wine.

22 This is what your Sovereign Lord says,

your God, who defendsm his people:

“See, I have taken out of your hand

the cupn that made you stagger;

from that cup, the goblet of my wrath,

you will never drink again.

23 I will put it into the hands of your tormentors,o

who said to you,

‘Fall prostratep that we may walkq on you.’

And you made your back like the ground,

like a street to be walked on.”r

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