
Psalm 102:1–11

Hear my prayer,f Lord;

let my cry for helpg come to you.

Do not hide your faceh from me

when I am in distress.

Turn your eari to me;

when I call, answer me quickly.

For my days vanish like smoke;j

my bonesk burn like glowing embers.

My heart is blighted and withered like grass;l

I forget to eat my food.m

In my distress I groan aloudn

and am reduced to skin and bones.

I am like a desert owl,o

like an owl among the ruins.

I lie awake;p I have become

like a bird aloneq on a roof.

All day long my enemiesr taunt me;s

those who rail against me use my name as a curse.t

For I eat ashesu as my food

and mingle my drink with tearsv

10 because of your great wrath,w

for you have taken me up and thrown me aside.

11 My days are like the evening shadow;x

I withery away like grass.

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