
Psalm 127–128

Psalm 127

A song of ascents. Of Solomon.

Unless the Lord buildsu the house,

the builders labor in vain.

Unless the Lord watchesv over the city,

the guards stand watch in vain.

In vain you rise early

and stay up late,

toiling for foodw to eat—

for he grants sleepx toa those he loves.y

Children are a heritage from the Lord,

offspring a rewardz from him.

Like arrowsa in the hands of a warrior

are children born in one’s youth.

Blessed is the man

whose quiver is full of them.b

They will not be put to shame

when they contend with their opponentsc in court.d

Psalm 128

A song of ascents.

Blessed are all who fear the Lord,e

who walk in obedience to him.f

You will eat the fruit of your labor;g

blessings and prosperityh will be yours.

Your wife will be like a fruitful vinei

within your house;

your childrenj will be like olive shootsk

around your table.

Yes, this will be the blessingl

for the man who fears the Lord.m

May the Lord bless you from Zion;n

may you see the prosperity of Jerusalemo

all the days of your life.

May you live to see your children’s children—p

peace be on Israel.q

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