
Habakkuk 3:4–12

His splendor was like the sunrise;w

rays flashed from his hand,

where his powerx was hidden.

Plaguey went before him;

pestilence followed his steps.

He stood, and shook the earth;

he looked, and made the nations tremble.

The ancient mountains crumbledz

and the age-old hillsa collapsedb

but he marches on forever.c

I saw the tents of Cushan in distress,

the dwellings of Midiand in anguish.e

Were you angry with the rivers,f Lord?

Was your wrath against the streams?

Did you rage against the seag

when you rode your horses

and your chariots to victory?h

You uncovered your bow,

you called for many arrows.i

You split the earth with rivers;

10 the mountains saw you and writhed.j

Torrents of water swept by;

the deep roaredk

and lifted its wavesl on high.

11 Sun and moon stood stillm in the heavens

at the glint of your flying arrows,n

at the lightningo of your flashing spear.

12 In wrath you strode through the earth

and in anger you threshedp the nations.

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