
Deuteronomy 4:32–40

The Lord Is God

32Ask now about the days of long ago. Learn what happened long before your time. Ask about what has happened since the time God created man on the earth. Ask from one end of the world to the other. Has anything as great as this ever happened? Has anything like it ever been heard of? 33You heard the voice of God speaking out of fire. And you lived! Has that happened to any other people?

34Has any god ever tried to take one nation out of another to be his own? Has any god done it by putting his people to the test? Has any god done it with miraculous signs and wonders or with a war? Has any god reached out his mighty hand and powerful arm? Or has any god shown his people his great and wonderful acts?

The Lord your God did all of those things for you in Egypt. With your very own eyes you saw him do them.

35The Lord showed you those things so that you might know he is God. There is no other God except him. 36From heaven he made you hear his voice. He wanted to teach you. On earth he showed you his great fire. You heard his words coming out of the fire.

37He loved your people long ago. He chose their children after them. So he brought you out of Egypt. He used his great strength to do it. 38He drove out nations to make room for you. They were greater and stronger than you are. He will bring you into their land. He wants to give it to you as your very own. The whole land is as good as yours right now.

39The Lord is God in heaven above and on the earth below. Today you must agree with that and take it to heart. There is no other God.

40I’m giving you his rules and commands today. Obey them. Then things will go well with you and your children after you. You will live a long time in the land. The Lord your God is giving you the land for all time to come.

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