Joel 3:9–21
9 aProclaim this among the nations:
bPrepare a war; crouse the mighty men!
Let all the soldiers draw near, let them come up!
10 aBeat your plowshares into swords
And your pruning hooks into spears;
bLet the weak say, “I am a mighty man.”
11 1aHasten and come, all you surrounding nations,
And gather yourselves there.
Bring down, O Lord, Your bmighty ones.
And come up to the avalley of 1Jehoshaphat,
For there I will sit to bjudge
All the surrounding nations.
13 aPut in the sickle, for the bharvest is ripe.
Come, ctread, for the dwine press is full;
The vats overflow, for their ewickedness is great.
14 aMultitudes, multitudes in the bvalley of 1decision!
For the cday of the Lord is near in the valley of 1decision.
15 The asun and moon grow dark
And the stars lose their brightness.
16 The Lord aroars from Zion
And butters His voice from Jerusalem,
And the cheavens and the earth tremble.
But the Lord is a drefuge for His people
And a estronghold to the sons of Israel.
17 Then you will aknow that I am the Lord your God,
Dwelling in Zion, My bholy mountain.
So Jerusalem will be choly,
And dstrangers will pass through it no more.
18 And in that day
The amountains will drip with 1sweet wine,
And the hills will bflow with milk,
And all the cbrooks of Judah will flow with water;
And a dspring will go out from the house of the Lord
To water the valley of 2Shittim.
And Edom will become a desolate wilderness,
Because of the aviolence 1done to the sons of Judah,
In whose land they have shed innocent blood.
20 But Judah will be ainhabited forever
And Jerusalem for all generations.
21 And I will aavenge their blood which I have not avenged,
For the Lord dwells in Zion.