
Jeremiah 23:16–22

16 Thus says the Lord of hosts,

aDo not listen to the words of the prophets who are prophesying to you.

They are bleading you into futility;

They speak a cvision of their own 1imagination,

Not dfrom the mouth of the Lord.

17 “They keep saying to those who adespise Me,

‘The Lord has said, “bYou will have peace” ’;

And as for everyone who walks in the cstubbornness of his own heart,

They say, ‘dCalamity will not come upon you.’

18 “But awho has stood in the council of the Lord,

That he should see and hear His word?

Who has given bheed to 1His word and listened?

19 “Behold, the astorm of the Lord has gone forth in wrath,

Even a whirling tempest;

It will swirl down on the head of the wicked.

20 “The aanger of the Lord will not turn back

Until He has bperformed and carried out the purposes of His heart;

cIn the last days you will clearly understand it.

21 aI did not send these prophets,

But they ran.

I did not speak to them,

But they prophesied.

22 “But if they had astood in My council,

Then they would have bannounced My words to My people,

And would have turned them back from their evil way

And from the evil of their deeds.

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