
Zephaniah 1:14–2:3

14 Near is the agreat bday of the Lord,

Near and coming very quickly;

Listen, the day of the Lord!

1In it the warrior ccries out bitterly.

15 A day of wrath is that day,

A day of atrouble and distress,

A day of destruction and desolation,

A day of bdarkness and gloom,

A day of clouds and thick darkness,

16 A day of atrumpet and battle cry

Against the bfortified cities

And the high corner towers.

17 I will bring adistress on men

So that they will walk blike the blind,

Because they have sinned against the Lord;

And their cblood will be poured out like dust

And their dflesh like dung.

18 Neither their asilver nor their gold

Will be able to deliver them

On the day of the Lord’s wrath;

And ball the earth will be devoured

In the fire of His jealousy,

For He will cmake a complete end,

Indeed a terrifying one,

Of all the inhabitants of the earth.

Chapter 2

Judgments on Judah’s Enemies

1 Gather yourselves together, yes, agather,

O nation bwithout 1shame,

2 Before the decree 1takes effect—

The day passes alike the chaff—

Before the bburning anger of the Lord comes upon you,

Before the cday of the Lord’s anger comes upon you.

3 aSeek the Lord,

All you bhumble of the 1earth

Who have carried out His 2ordinances;

cSeek righteousness, seek humility.

Perhaps you will be dhidden

In the day of the Lord’s anger.

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