
Lamentations 1:1–4

The Sorrows of Zion

1 How alonely sits the city

That was bfull of people!

She has become like a cwidow

Who was once dgreat among the nations!

She who was a princess among the 1provinces

Has become a eforced laborer!

2 She aweeps bitterly in the night

And her tears are on her cheeks;

She has none to comfort her

Among all her blovers.

All her friends have cdealt treacherously with her;

They have become her enemies.

3 aJudah has gone into exile 1under affliction

And 1under 2harsh servitude;

She dwells bamong the nations,

But she has found no rest;

All cher pursuers have overtaken her

In the midst of 3distress.

4 The roads 1of Zion are in mourning

Because ano one comes to the appointed feasts.

All her gates are bdesolate;

Her priests are groaning,

Her cvirgins are afflicted,

And she herself 2is dbitter.

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