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John 8:48–59

48 aThe Jews answered and said to Him, “Do we not say rightly that You are a bSamaritan and chave a demon?”

49 Jesus answered, I do not ahave a demon; but I honor My Father, and you dishonor Me.

50 But aI do not seek My glory; there is One who seeks and judges.

51 Truly, truly, I say to you, if anyone akeeps My word he will never bsee death.”

52 aThe Jews said to Him, “Now we know that You bhave a demon. Abraham died, and the prophets also; and You say, If anyone ckeeps My word, he will never dtaste of death.’

53 “Surely You aare not greater than our father Abraham, who died? The prophets died too; whom do You make Yourself out to be?

54 Jesus answered, aIf I glorify Myself, My glory is nothing; bit is My Father who glorifies Me, of whom you say,He is our God’;

55 and ayou have not come to know Him, bbut I know Him; and if I say that I do not know Him, I will be ca liar like you, bbut I do know Him and dkeep His word.

56 aYour father Abraham brejoiced 1to see My day, and he saw it and was glad.”

57 aSo the Jews said to Him, “You are not yet fifty years old, and have You seen Abraham?”

58 Jesus said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham 1was born, aI am.”

59 Therefore they apicked up stones to throw at Him, but Jesus 1bhid Himself and went out of the temple.

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