
Hosea 4:11–19

11 Harlotry, awine and new wine take away the 1understanding.

12 My people aconsult their wooden idol, and their diviner’s wand informs them;

For a spirit of harlotry has led them astray,

And they have played the harlot, departing 1from their God.

13 They offer sacrifices on the atops of the mountains

And 1bburn incense on the hills,

cUnder oak, poplar and terebinth,

Because their shade is pleasant.

Therefore your daughters play the harlot

And your 2brides commit adultery.

14 I will not punish your daughters when they play the harlot

Or your 1brides when they commit adultery,

For the men themselves go apart with harlots

And offer sacrifices with atemple prostitutes;

So the people without understanding are 2ruined.

15 Though you, Israel, play the harlot,

Do not let Judah become guilty;

Also do not go to aGilgal,

Or go up to Beth-aven

bAnd take the oath:

“As the Lord lives!”

16 Since Israel is astubborn

Like a stubborn heifer,

1Can the Lord now bpasture them

Like a lamb in a large field?

17 Ephraim is joined to aidols;

bLet him alone.

18 Their liquor gone,

They play the harlot continually;

aTheir 1rulers dearly love shame.

19 aThe wind wraps them in its wings,

And they will be ashamed because of their sacrifices.

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