
Habakkuk 1:5–10

5 aLook among the nations! Observe!

Be astonished! bWonder!

Because I am doing csomething in your days—

You would not believe if 1you were told.

6 “For behold, I am araising up the Chaldeans,

That 1fierce and impetuous people

Who march 2throughout the earth

To 3bseize dwelling places which are not theirs.

7 “They are dreaded and afeared;

Their bjustice and 1authority 2originate with themselves.

8 “Their ahorses are swifter than leopards

And 1keener than bwolves in the evening.

Their 2horsemen come galloping,

Their horsemen come from afar;

They fly like an ceagle swooping down to devour.

9 “All of them come for violence.

1Their horde of afaces moves forward.

They collect captives like sand.

10 “They amock at kings

And rulers are a laughing matter to them.

They blaugh at every fortress

And cheap up rubble to capture it.

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