
Proverbs 8:22–31

Wisdom at Creation

22 “Yahweh createdh me, the first of his ways,

before his acts of old.i

23 From eternity, I was set up from the first,

from the beginningj of the earth.

24 When there were no depths, I was brought forth,

when there were no springs of aboundingk water.

25 Before mountains had been shaped,

before hills, I was brought forth.

26 When he had not yet made earth and fields,

or the first dust of the world,

27 when he establishedl the heavens, there I was,

when he drewm a circle upon the face of the deep,

28 when he maden skies from above,

when he founded fountains of the deep,

29 when he assignedo his limits to the sea,

that waters shall not transgress his command,p

when he markedq the foundations of the earth,

30 I was besider him, a master workman,

and I was delighting day by day,

rejoicing before him always,s

31 rejoicing in the world of his earth,

and my delight was with the children of humankind.

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