
Micah 7:7–20

Therefore I will elook unto the Lord;

I will fwait for the God of my salvation:

gMy God will hear me.

hiRejoice not against me, O mine renemy:

hkWhen I fall, I shall arise;

lWhen I sit in darkness, mthe Lord shall be a light unto me.

nI will bear the indignation of the Lord, obecause I have sinned against him,

Until he pplead my cause, and execute judgment for me:

qHe will bring me forth to the light, and I shall behold his righteousness.

10  ||Then rshe that is mine enemy shall see it, and sshame shall cover her

Which said unto me, tWhere is the Lord thy God?

uMine eyes shall behold her:

Now shall she be trodden down vas the mire of the streets.

11  wIn the day that xthy ywalls are to be built,

In that day shall zthe decree be far removed.

12  wIn that day also he shall come even to thee

aFrom Assyria, ||and afrom bthe fortified cities,

And from bthe fortress even to cthe river,

And from dsea to sea, and from mountain to mountain.

13  ||Notwithstanding the land eshall be desolate because of them that dwell therein,

fFor gthe fruit of their doings.

14  ||Feed thy people with thy rod, hthe flock of thine heritage,

iWhich dwell solitarily in kthe wood, in the midst of lmCarmel:

Let them feed in lnBashan and loGilead, as in oothe days of old.

15  pAccording to the days of thy coming out of the land of Egypt

pWill I shew unto him marvellous things.

16  The nations qshall see and be confounded at all their might:

They shall rlay their hand upon their mouth, their ears shall be deaf.

17  sThey shall lick the dust tlike a serpent,

They shall move out of utheir holes like ||vworms of the earth:

wThey shall be afraid of the Lord our God,

And shall fear because of thee.

18  xWho is a God like unto thee, ythat pardoneth iniquity,

And zapasseth by the transgression of abthe remnant of his heritage?

cHe retaineth not his anger for ever,

Because dhe delighteth in mercy.

19  eHe will turn again, fhe will have compassion upon us;

gHe will subdue our iniquities;

And hithou wilt cast all their sins iinto the depths of the sea.

20  kThou wilt perform the truth to Jacob, and kthe mercy to Abraham,

klWhich thou hast sworn unto our fathers from mthe days of old.

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