
Job 21:1–21

But Job answered and said,

aHear diligently my speech,

And let this be your consolations.

Suffer me that I may speak;

And after that I have spoken, bmock on.

As for me, is my ccomplaint to man?

And if it were so, why should not my dspirit be troubled?

Mark me, and be astonished,

And elay your hand upon your mouth.

Even when I remember I am afraid,

And trembling ftaketh hold on my flesh.

gWherefore do the wicked live,

Become old, yea, hare mighty in power?

Their seed iis established in their sight with them,

And their koffspring before their eyes.

Their houses are safe from fear,

Neither is lthe rod of God upon them.

10  Their bull gendereth, and faileth not;

Their cow calveth, and mcasteth not her calf.

11  They nsend forth their little ones like a flock,

And their children dance.

12  They otake the ptimbrel and qharp,

And rejoice at the sound of the rorgan.

13  They sspend their days ||in wealth,

And tin a moment go down to the grave.

14  Therefore uthey say unto God, Depart from us;

For xwe desire not the knowledge of thy ways.

15  yWhat is the Almighty, that we should serve him?

And zwhat profit should we have, if we apray unto him?

16  Lo, their good is not in their hand:

bThe counsel of the wicked is far from me.

17  How oft cis the ||candle of the wicked put out!

And how oft cometh their destruction upon them!

God ddistributeth sorrows in his anger.

18  They are as stubble before the wind,

And as echaff that the storm carrieth away.

19  God eelayeth up ||his iniquity ffor his children:

He rewardeth him, and he shall gknow it.

20  His eyes shall see his destruction,

And hhe shall drink of the wrath of the Almighty.

21  For what ipleasure hath he in his house after him,

When kthe number of his months is cut off in the midst?

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