
Isaiah 1:21–27

21  How is the faithful city zbecome an harlot!

It was full of judgment; righteousness lodged in it;

But now murderers.

22  aThy silver is become dross,

bThy wine mixed with water:

23  cThy princes are rebellious, and dcompanions of thieves:

Every one eloveth gifts, and followeth after rewards:

fThey judge not the fatherless,

Neither doth the cause of the widow come unto them.

24  Therefore saith gthe Lord, the Lord of hosts, hthe mighty One of Israel,

Ah, I will iease me of mine adversaries,

And kavenge me of mine enemies:

25  And I will lturn my hand upon thee,

And purely mpurge away athy dross,

And take away all thy tin:

26  And I will restore thy judges nas at the first,

And thy counsellers as at the beginning:

Afterward thou shalt be called,

The city of righteousness, othe faithful city.

27  Zion shall be redeemed with judgment,

And ||her converts with righteousness.

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