
Proverbs 10:2–15

Treasures of wickedness dprofit nothing:

dBut erighteousness delivereth from death.

fThe Lord will not suffer the ffsoul of the righteous to famish:

But he casteth away ||the gsubstance of the wicked.

hHe becometh poor that dealeth with a islack hand:

But ithe hand of the diligent maketh rich.

He that kgathereth in summer is a wise son:

But he that lsleepeth in harvest is a mson that causeth shame.

Blessings are upon the head of the just:

nBut violence ocovereth the mouth of the wicked.

pThe memory of the just is blessed:

But qthe name of the wicked shall rot.

The wise in heart will receive commandments:

rBut a prating fool ||shall fall.

sHe that walketh uprightly twalketh surely:

But he that perverteth his ways ushall be known.

10  He that xwinketh with the eye causeth sorrow:

rBut a prating fool ||shall fall.

11  yThe mouth of a righteous man is za well of life:

nBut violence covereth the mouth of the wicked.

12  Hatred stirreth up strifes:

But alove covereth all sins.

13  In the lips of him that hath understanding wisdom is found:

But ba rod is for the back of him that is void of understanding.

14  Wise men clay up knowledge:

But the mouth of the foolish is near ddestruction.

15  eThe rich man’s wealth is his strong city:

The ddestruction of the poor is their poverty.

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