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1 Corinthians 7:1–15
Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: aIt is good for a man not to btouch a woman. 2 Nevertheless, to avoid cfornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. 3 dLet the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband. 4 The wife ehath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband ehath not power of his own body, but the wife. 5 fDefraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to gfasting and prayer; and come together again, that hSatan itempt you not for your jincontinency. 6 But I speak this by permission, and knot of commandment. 7 For lI would that all men were meven as I myself. But nevery man hath his proper gift of God, oone after this manner, and another after that.
8 I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, aIt is good for them if they abide meven as I. 9 But pif they cannot qcontain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn. 10 And unto the married I command, yet rnot I, but the Lord, sLet not the wife depart from her husband: 11 tBut and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife. 12 But kto the rest speak I, unot the Lord: If any brother hath a wife that believeth not, and she wbe pleased to dwell with him, let him not xput her away. 13 And the woman which hath an husband that believeth not, and if he wbe pleased to dwell with her, let her not xleave him. 14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else ywere your children unclean; but now are they zholy. 15 But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases: but aGod hath called us †to peace.
a | |
b | Gen. 20:4 (Gk.). |
c | See ch. 6:18. |
d | Ex. 21:10. Comp. 1 Pet. 3:7. |
e | See ch. 6:12. |
e | See ch. 6:12. |
f | Comp. Eccles. 3:5. Joel 2:16. Zech. 7:3. & 12:12–14. See Ex. 19:15. |
g | See Matt. 17:21. |
h | 1 Thess. 3:5. See ch. 5:5. |
i | |
j | Matt. 23:25 (Gk.). |
k | 2 Cor. 8:8. Comp. ver. 10, 12, 40. See ver. 25. |
l | So Acts 26:29. |
m | |
n | See ch. 12:4. 1 Pet. 4:10. |
o | So Matt. 19:11. |
a | |
m | |
p | So 1 Tim. 5:14. |
q | ch. 9:25 (Gk.). |
r | |
s | Mal. 2:16. See Matt. 5:32. |
t | ver. 28. Luke 20:6. See Matt. 24:48 (Engl.). |
k | 2 Cor. 8:8. Comp. ver. 10, 12, 40. See ver. 25. |
u | ver. 25. 2 Cor. 11:17. |
w | See Rom. 1:32 marg. |
x | Gk. as ver. 12. So Mark 10:12. |
w | See Rom. 1:32 marg. |
x | Gk. as ver. 12. So Mark 10:12. |
y | |
z | Comp. Ezra 9:2. |
a | |
† | Gr. in peace. Comp. Luke 1:17? |
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