
Obadiah 1–21

God’s Judgment on Edom

1:1 The vision1 that Obadiah2 saw.3

The Lord God4 says this concerning5 Edom:6

Edom’s Approaching Destruction

We have heard a report from the Lord.

An envoy was sent among the nations, saying,7

“Arise! Let us make war against Edom!”8

1:2 The Lord says,9 “Look! I will10 make you a weak nation;11

you will be greatly despised!

1:3 Your presumptuous heart12 has deceived you—

you who reside in the safety of the rocky cliffs,13

whose home is high in the mountains.14

You think to yourself,15

‘No one can16 bring me down to the ground!’17

1:4 Even if you were to soar high like an eagle,18

even if you19 were to make your nest among the stars,

I can bring you down even from there!” says the Lord.

1:5 “If thieves came to rob you20 during the night,21

they would steal only as much as they wanted!22

If grape pickers came to harvest your vineyards,23

they would leave some behind for the poor!24

But you will be totally destroyed!25

1:6 How the people of Esau26 will be thoroughly plundered!27

Their28 hidden valuables will be ransacked!29

1:7 All your allies30 will force31 you from your homeland!32

Your treaty partners33 will deceive you and overpower you.

Your trusted friends34 will set an ambush35 for36 you

that will take you by surprise!37

1:8 At that time,”38 the Lord says,

“I will destroy the wise sages of Edom!39

the advisers40 from Esau’s mountain!41

1:9 Your warriors will be shattered, O Teman,42

so that43 everyone44 will be destroyed45 from Esau’s mountain!

Edom’s Treachery Against Judah

1:10 “Because46 you violently slaughtered47 your relatives,48 the people of Jacob,49

shame will cover you, and you will be destroyed50 forever.

1:11 You stood aloof51 while strangers took his army52 captive,

and foreigners advanced to his gates.53

When they cast lots54 over Jerusalem,55

you behaved as though you were in league56 with them.

1:12 You should not57 have gloated58 when your relatives59 suffered calamity.60

You should not have rejoiced over the people of Judah when they were destroyed.61

You should not have boasted62 when they suffered adversity.63

1:13 You should not have entered the city64 of my people when they experienced distress.65

You should not have joined66 in gloating over their misfortune when they suffered distress.67

You should not have looted68 their wealth when they endured distress.69

1:14 You should not have stood at the fork in the road70 to slaughter71 those trying to escape.72

You should not have captured their refugees when they suffered adversity.73

The Coming Day of the Lord

1:15 “For the day of the Lord74 is approaching75 for all the nations!76

Just as you have done, so it will be done to you.

You will get exactly what your deeds deserve.77

1:16 For just as you78 have drunk79 on my holy mountain,

so all the nations will drink continually.80

They will drink, and they will gulp down;

they will be as though they had never been.

1:17 But on Mount Zion there will be a remnant of those who escape,81

and it will be a holy place once again.

The descendants82 of Jacob will conquer83

those who had conquered them.84

1:18 The descendants of Jacob will be a fire,

and the descendants of Joseph a flame.

The descendants of Esau will be like stubble.

They will burn them up and devour them.

There will not be a single survivor85 of the descendants of Esau!”

Indeed, the Lord has spoken it.

1:19 The people of the Negev86 will take possession87 of Esau’s mountain,

and the people of the Shephelah88 will take

possession89 of the land of90 the Philistines.

They will also take possession of the territory of Ephraim and the territory of Samaria,

and the people of Benjamin will take possession91 of Gilead.92

1:20 The exiles of this fortress93 of the people of Israel

will take possession94 of what belongs to

the people of Canaan, as far as Zarephath,95

and the exiles of Jerusalem96 who are in Sepharad97

will take possession of the towns of the Negev.

1:21 Those who have been delivered98 will go up on Mount Zion

in order to rule over99 Esau’s mountain.

Then the Lord will reign as King!100

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