
Proverbs 8:1–11

Wisdom’s Announcement

Does not wisdom call out? 

Does not understanding raise its voice? 

⸤Wisdom⸥ takes its stand on high ground, 

by the wayside where the roads meet, 

near the gates to the city. 

At the entrance ⸤wisdom⸥ sings its song, 

“I am calling to all of you, 

and my appeal is to all people. 

You gullible people, learn how to be sensible. 

You fools, get a heart that has understanding. 

Listen! I am speaking about noble things, 

and my lips will say what is right. 

My mouth expresses the truth, 

and wickedness is disgusting to my lips. 

Everything I say is fair, 

and there is nothing twisted or crooked in it. 

All of it is clear to a person who has understanding 

and right to those who have acquired knowledge. 

10  Take my discipline, not silver, 

and my knowledge rather than fine gold, 

11  because wisdom is better than jewels. 

Nothing you desire can equal it. 

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