
Proverbs 4:10–19

Stay on the Path of Wisdom

10  My son, 

listen and accept my words, 

and they will multiply the years of your life. 

11  I have taught you the way of wisdom. 

I have guided you along decent paths. 

12  When you walk, your stride will not be hampered. 

Even if you run, you will not stumble. 

13  Cling to discipline. 

Do not relax your grip on it. 

Keep it because it is your life. 

14  Do not stray onto the path of wicked people. 

Do not walk in the way of evil people. 

15  Avoid it. 

Do not walk near it. 

Turn away from it, 

and keep on walking. 

16  Wicked people cannot sleep 

unless they do wrong, 

and they are robbed of their sleep 

unless they make someone stumble. 

17  They eat food obtained through wrongdoing 

and drink wine obtained through violence. 

18  But the path of righteous people is like the light of dawn 

that becomes brighter and brighter until it reaches midday. 

19  The way of wicked people is like deep darkness. 

They do not know what makes them stumble. 

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