
Psalm 89:18–29

18  For our sshield belongs to the Lord,

our king to tthe Holy One of Israel.

19  uOf old you spoke in a vision to your godly one,3 and said:

“I have vgranted help to one who is wmighty;

I have exalted one xchosen from the people.

20  yI have found David, my servant;

with my holy oil I have zanointed him,

21  so that my ahand shall be established with him;

my arm also shall strengthen him.

22  The enemy shall not outwit him;

bthe wicked shall not humble him.

23  I will ccrush his foes before him

and strike down those who hate him.

24  My dfaithfulness and my dsteadfast love shall be with him,

and in my name shall his ehorn be exalted.

25  I will set his hand on fthe sea

and his right hand on fthe rivers.

26  He shall cry to me, ‘You are my gFather,

my God, and hthe Rock of my salvation.’

27  And I will make him the ifirstborn,

jthe highest of the kings of the earth.

28  My steadfast love I will keep for him forever,

and my kcovenant will stand firm4 for him.

29  I will establish his loffspring forever

and his lthrone as mthe days of the heavens.

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