
Psalm 69:8–28

I have become ha stranger to my brothers,

an alien to my mother’s sons.

For izeal for your house has consumed me,

and jthe reproaches of those who reproach you have fallen on me.

10  When I wept and humbled2 my soul with fasting,

it became my reproach.

11  When I made ksackcloth my clothing,

I became la byword to them.

12  I am the talk of those who msit in the gate,

and the drunkards make nsongs about me.

13  But as for me, my oprayer is to you, O Lord.

At pan acceptable time, O God,

in the abundance of your steadfast love answer me in your saving faithfulness.

14  Deliver me

from sinking in qthe mire;

rlet me be delivered from my enemies

and from sthe deep waters.

15  Let not the flood sweep over me,

or the deep swallow me up,

or tthe pit close uits mouth over me.

16  Answer me, O Lord, for your vsteadfast love is good;

according to your abundant wmercy, xturn to me.

17  yHide not your face from your servant,

zfor I am in distress; amake haste to answer me.

18  Draw near to my soul, redeem me;

ransom me because of my enemies!

19  You know my breproach,

and my shame and my dishonor;

my foes are all known to you.

20  bReproaches have broken my heart,

so that I am in cdespair.

I dlooked for epity, but there was none,

and for fcomforters, but I found none.

21  They gave me gpoison for food,

and for my thirst they gave me hsour wine to drink.

22  iLet their own jtable before them become a snare;

kand when they are at peace, let it become a trap.3

23  lLet their eyes be darkened, so that they cannot see,

mand make their loins tremble continually.

24  Pour out your indignation upon them,

and let your burning anger overtake them.

25  nMay their camp be a desolation;

let no one dwell in their tents.

26  For they opersecute him whom pyou have struck down,

and they recount the pain of qthose you have wounded.

27  rAdd to them punishment upon punishment;

may they have no acquittal from you.4

28  Let them be sblotted out of the book of the living;

let them not be tenrolled among the righteous.

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