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Obadiah 3–4

cThe pride of your heart has deceived you,

you who live in the clefts of the rock,2

in your lofty dwelling,

dwho say in your heart,

“Who will bring me down to the ground?”

Though you soar aloft like the eagle,

though your nest is set among the stars,

from there I will bring you down,

declares the Lord.

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Obadiah 3–4 — The New International Version (NIV)

The pride of your heart has deceived you,

you who live in the clefts of the rocks

and make your home on the heights,

you who say to yourself,

‘Who can bring me down to the ground?’

Though you soar like the eagle

and make your nest among the stars,

from there I will bring you down,”

declares the Lord.

Obadiah 3–4 — King James Version (KJV 1900)

The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee,

Thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high;

That saith in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground?

Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle,

And though thou set thy nest among the stars,

Thence will I bring thee down, saith the Lord.

Obadiah 3–4 — New Living Translation (NLT)

You have been deceived by your own pride

because you live in a rock fortress

and make your home high in the mountains.

‘Who can ever reach us way up here?’

you ask boastfully.

But even if you soar as high as eagles

and build your nest among the stars,

I will bring you crashing down,”

says the Lord.

Obadiah 3–4 — The New King James Version (NKJV)

The pride of your heart has deceived you,

You who dwell in the clefts of the rock,

Whose habitation is high;

You who say in your heart, ‘Who will bring me down to the ground?’

Though you ascend as high as the eagle,

And though you set your nest among the stars,

From there I will bring you down,” says the Lord.

Obadiah 3–4 — New Century Version (NCV)

Your pride has fooled you,

you who live in the hollow places of the cliff.

Your home is up high,

you who say to yourself,

‘No one can bring me down to the ground.’

Even if you fly high like the eagle

and make your nest among the stars,

I will bring you down from there,” says the Lord.

Obadiah 3–4 — American Standard Version (ASV)

The pride of thy heart hath deceived thee, O thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high; that saith in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground? Though thou mount on high as the eagle, and though thy nest be set among the stars, I will bring thee down from thence, saith Jehovah.

Obadiah 3–4 — 1890 Darby Bible (DARBY)

The pride of thy heart hath deceived thee, thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high; —he that saith in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground? Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith Jehovah.

Obadiah 3–4 — GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)

Your arrogance has deceived you. 

You live on rocky cliffs. 

You make your home up high. 

You say to yourself, 

‘No one can bring me down to earth.’ 

Even though you fly high like an eagle 

and build your nest among the stars, 

I will bring you down from there,” declares the Lord

Obadiah 3–4 — The Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

Your presumptuous heart has deceived you,

you who live in clefts of the rock

in your home on the heights,

who say to yourself,

“Who can bring me down to the ground?”

Though you seem to soar like an eagle

and make your nest among the stars,

even from there I will bring you down.

This is the Lord’s declaration.

Obadiah 3–4 — The New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

Your proud heart has deceived you,

you that live in the clefts of the rock,

whose dwelling is in the heights.

You say in your heart,

“Who will bring me down to the ground?”

Though you soar aloft like the eagle,

though your nest is set among the stars,

from there I will bring you down,

says the Lord.

Obadiah 3–4 — The Lexham English Bible (LEB)

The pride of your heart has deceived you, you who live in the clefts of a rock, the heights of its dwelling, you who say in your heart: ‘Who can bring me down to the ground?’ Even if you soar like the eagle, even if your nest is set among the stars, from there I will bring you down!” declares Yahweh:

Obadiah 3–4 — New International Reader’s Version (1998) (NIrV)

You live in the safety of the rocks.

You make your home high up in the mountains.

But your proud heart has tricked you.

So you say to yourself,

‘No one can bring me down to the ground.’

You have built your home as high as an eagle does.

You have made your nest among the stars.

But I will bring you down from there,”

announces the Lord.

Obadiah 3–4 — New American Standard Bible: 1995 Update (NASB95)

“The arrogance of your heart has deceived you,

You who live in the clefts of the rock,

In the loftiness of your dwelling place,

Who say in your heart,

Who will bring me down to earth?’

Though you build high like the eagle,

Though you set your nest among the stars,

From there I will bring you down,” declares the Lord.

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