
Leviticus 7:12–18

12 If he offers it for a thanksgiving, then he shall offer with the thanksgiving sacrifice vunleavened loaves mixed with oil, unleavened wafers smeared with oil, and loaves of fine flour wwell mixed with oil. 13 xWith the sacrifice of his peace offerings for thanksgiving he shall bring his offering with loaves of leavened bread. 14 And from it he shall offer one loaf from each offering, as a ygift to the Lord. zIt shall belong to the priest who throws the blood of the peace offerings. 15 And the flesh of the sacrifice of his peace offerings afor thanksgiving shall be eaten on the day of his offering. He shall not leave any of it until the morning. 16 But bif the sacrifice of his offering is a vow offering or a freewill offering, it shall be eaten on the day that he offers his sacrifice, and on the next day what remains of it shall be eaten. 17 But what remains of the flesh of the sacrifice on the third day shall be burned up with fire. 18 If any of the flesh of the sacrifice of his peace offering is eaten on the third day, he who offers it shall not be accepted, neither shall it be credited to him. It is ctainted, and he who eats of it shall bear his iniquity.

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