
Job 36:5–15

“Behold, God is mighty, and sdoes not despise any;

he is tmighty in strength of understanding.

He does not keep the wicked alive,

but gives uthe afflicted their right.

He does not withdraw his veyes from the righteous,

but with wkings on the throne

he sets them forever, and they are xexalted.

And if they are ybound in chains

and caught in the cords of affliction,

then he declares to them their work

and their transgressions, that they are zbehaving arrogantly.

10  He aopens their ears to instruction

and commands that they breturn from iniquity.

11  cIf they listen and serve him,

they dcomplete their days in prosperity,

and their years in pleasantness.

12  But if they do not listen, they eperish by the sword

and die fwithout knowledge.

13  “The ggodless in heart cherish anger;

they do not cry for help when he hbinds them.

14  They idie in youth,

and their life ends among the cult prostitutes.

15  He delivers jthe afflicted by their affliction

and kopens their ear by adversity.

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