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Isaiah 1:21–31

The Unfaithful City

21  How the faithful city

rhas become a whore,4

sshe who was full of justice!

Righteousness lodged in her,

but now murderers.

22  tYour silver has become dross,

your best wine mixed with water.

23  Your princes are rebels

and companions of thieves.

Everyone uloves a bribe

and runs after gifts.

vThey do not bring justice to the fatherless,

and the widow’s cause does not come to them.

24  Therefore the wLord declares,

the Lord of hosts,

the xMighty One of Israel:

“Ah, I will get relief from my enemies

yand avenge myself on my foes.

25  zI will turn my hand against you

and will smelt away your adross as with lye

and remove all your alloy.

26  And I will restore your judges bas at the first,

and your counselors as at the beginning.

Afterward cyou shall be called the city of righteousness,

the faithful city.”

27  dZion shall be redeemed by justice,

and those in her who repent, by righteousness.

28  eBut rebels and sinners shall be broken together,

and those who forsake the Lord shall be consumed.

29  fFor they5 shall be ashamed of gthe oaks

that you desired;

and you shall blush for hthe gardens

that you have chosen.

30  For you shall be ilike an oak

whose leaf withers,

and like a garden without water.

31  And the strong shall become jtinder,

and his work a spark,

and both of them shall burn together,

with knone to quench them.

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