
Psalm 109:6–15

aAppoint a wicked man bagainst him;

let an accuser stand cat his right hand.

When he is tried, let him come forth guilty;

let his dprayer be counted as sin!

May his edays be few;

may fanother take his goffice!

May his hchildren be fatherless

and his wife a widow!

10  May his children iwander about and beg,

jseeking food far from the ruins they inhabit!

11  May kthe creditor seize all that he has;

may kstrangers plunder the fruits of his toil!

12  Let there be none to lextend kindness to him,

nor any to mpity his fatherless children!

13  May his nposterity be cut off;

may his oname be blotted out in the second generation!

14  May pthe iniquity of his fathers be remembered before the Lord,

and let not the sin of his mother be qblotted out!

15  rLet them be before the Lord continually,

that he may scut off the memory of them from the earth!

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