
Job 26:2–14

“How you have xhelped him who has no power!

How you have saved ythe arm that has no strength!

How you have zcounseled him who has no wisdom,

and plentifully declared sound knowledge!

With whose help have you uttered words,

and whose breath ahas come out from you?

The bdead tremble

under the waters and their inhabitants.

Sheol is cnaked before God,1

and dAbaddon has no covering.

He estretches out the north over fthe void

and hangs the earth on nothing.

He gbinds up the waters in his thick clouds,

and the cloud is not split open under them.

He covers the face of the full moon2

and hspreads over it his cloud.

10  He has inscribed ia circle on the face of the waters

at the boundary between light and darkness.

11  jThe pillars of heaven tremble

and are astounded at his krebuke.

12  By his power he lstilled the sea;

by his understanding he shattered mRahab.

13  nBy his wind the heavens were made fair;

his hand pierced othe fleeing serpent.

14  Behold, these are but the outskirts of his pways,

and how small qa whisper do we hear of him!

But the thunder of his power who can understand?”

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