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Hosea 7:1–14:9
7 xwhen I would heal Israel,
the iniquity of Ephraim is revealed,
and the evil deeds of ySamaria,
for zthey deal falsely;
the thief breaks in,
and the bandits raid outside.
that aI remember all their evil.
Now btheir deeds surround them;
cthey are before my face.
3 By their evil dthey make dthe king glad,
and the princes by their treachery.
4 eThey are all adulterers;
they are like a heated oven
whose baker ceases to stir the fire,
from the kneading of the dough
until it is leavened.
5 On the day of four king, the princes
became sick with the heat of wine;
he stretched out his hand with mockers.
6 For with hearts like an oven gthey approach their intrigue;
all night their anger smolders;
in the morning it blazes like a flaming fire.
7 All of them are hot as an oven,
and they devour their rulers.
All htheir kings ihave fallen,
and none of them calls upon me.
8 Ephraim jmixes himself with the peoples;
Ephraim is a cake not turned.
9 kStrangers devour his strength,
and lhe knows it not;
gray hairs are sprinkled upon him,
and lhe knows it not.
10 mThe pride of Israel testifies to his face;1
nyet they do not return to the Lord their God,
nor seek him, for all this.
osilly and without sense,
calling to pEgypt, going to qAssyria.
12 As they go, rI will spread over them my net;
I will bring them down like birds of the heavens;
sI will discipline them taccording to the report made to their congregation.
13 uWoe to them, for they have strayed from me!
Destruction to them, for they have rebelled against me!
vI would redeem them,
but wthey speak lies against me.
14 xThey do not cry to me from the heart,
but ythey wail upon their beds;
for grain and wine they gash themselves;
they rebel against me.
15 Although zI trained and strengthened their arms,
yet they devise evil against me.
16 They areturn, but not upward;2
they are blike a treacherous bow;
their princes shall fall by the sword
because of cthe insolence of their tongue.
This shall be their derision din the land of Egypt.
Israel Will Reap the Whirlwind
8 Set ethe trumpet to your lips!
One flike a vulture is over the house of the Lord,
because gthey have transgressed my covenant
and rebelled against my law.
h“My God, we—Israel—know you.”
3 Israel has spurned the good;
the enemy shall pursue him.
4 iThey made kings, jbut not through me.
They set up princes, but I knew it not.
With their silver and gold they made idols
for their own destruction.
5 kI have1 spurned your calf, O Samaria.
My anger burns against them.
lHow long will they be incapable of innocence?
a craftsman made it;
it is not God.
kThe calf of Samaria
7 For nthey sow the wind,
and they shall reap the whirlwind.
The standing grain has no heads;
it shall yield no flour;
if it were to yield,
ostrangers would devour it.
8 pIsrael is swallowed up;
already they are among the nations
as qa useless vessel.
9 For rthey have gone up to Assyria,
sa wild donkey wandering alone;
Ephraim has hired lovers.
10 Though they hire allies among the nations,
I will soon gather them up.
And tthe king and princes ushall soon writhe
because of the tribute.
11 Because Ephraim vhas multiplied altars for sinning,
they have become to him altars for sinning.
12 wWere I to write for him my laws by the ten thousands,
they would be regarded as a strange thing.
13 As for my sacrificial offerings,
xthey sacrifice meat and eat it,
but the Lord does not accept them.
yNow he will remember their iniquity
and punish their sins;
zthey shall return to Egypt.
14 For aIsrael has forgotten bhis Maker
and cbuilt palaces,
and aJudah has multiplied fortified cities;
so dI will send a fire upon his cities,
and it shall devour her strongholds.
9 Rejoice not, O Israel!
Exult not like the peoples;
efor you have played the whore, forsaking your God.
fYou have loved a prostitute’s wages
on all threshing floors.
2 gThreshing floor and wine vat shall not feed them,
and gthe new wine shall fail them.
3 They shall not remain in hthe land of the Lord,
but iEphraim shall return to Egypt,
and jthey shall eat unclean food in Assyria.
4 kThey shall not pour drink offerings of wine to the Lord,
land their sacrifices shall not please him.
It shall be like mmourners’ bread to them;
all who eat of it shall be defiled;
for their bread shall be for their hunger only;
nit shall not come to the house of the Lord.
5 oWhat will you do on the day of the appointed festival,
and on the day of the feast of the Lord?
6 For behold, they are going away from destruction;
but pEgypt shall gather them;
Memphis shall bury them.
Nettles shall possess qtheir precious things of silver;
rthorns shall be in their tents.
7 sThe days of punishment have come;
the days of recompense have come;
Israel shall know it.
tThe prophet is a fool;
the man of the spirit is mad,
because of your great iniquity
and great hatred.
8 The prophet is uthe watchman of Ephraim with my God;
yet va fowler’s snare is on all his ways,
and hatred in the house of his God.
9 wThey have deeply corrupted themselves
as xin the days of Gibeah:
whe will remember their iniquity;
he will punish their sins.
10 Like grapes in the wilderness,
yI found Israel.
Like the first fruit on the fig tree
in its first season,
I saw your fathers.
But zthey came to Baal-peor
and aconsecrated themselves to the thing of shame,
and bbecame detestable like the thing they loved.
11 Ephraim’s cglory shall fly away like a bird—
dno birth, no pregnancy, no conception!
12 eEven if they bring up children,
I will bereave them till none is left.
fWoe to them
when gI depart from them!
13 Ephraim, has I have seen, was like a young palm1 planted in a meadow;
but eEphraim must lead his children out to slaughter.2
what will you give?
Give them ia miscarrying womb
and dry breasts.
15 Every evil of theirs is in jGilgal;
there I began to hate them.
Because of the wickedness of their deeds
I will drive them out of my house.
I will love them no more;
all ktheir princes are lrebels.
mtheir root is dried up;
they shall bear no fruit.
Even nthough they give birth,
eI will put their beloved children to death.
17 oMy God will reject them
because they have not listened to him;
pthey shall be wanderers among the nations.
10 qIsrael is a luxuriant vine
that yields its fruit.
The more his fruit increased,
rthe more altars he built;
as his country improved,
he improved his pillars.
now they must bear their guilt.
The Lord1 will break down their altars
and destroy their pillars.
s“We have no king,
for we do not fear the Lord;
and a king—what could he do for us?”
4 They utter tmere words;
with empty2 oaths they make covenants;
so ujudgment springs up like poisonous weeds
vin the furrows of the field.
5 The inhabitants of Samaria tremble
Its people mourn for it, and so do its idolatrous priests—
those who rejoiced over it and yover its glory—
for it has departed4 from them.
6 zThe thing itself shall be carried to Assyria
as tribute to athe great king.5
Ephraim shall be put to shame,
and Israel shall be ashamed bof his idol.6
7 cSamaria’s king shall perish
like a twig on the face of the waters.
8 The high places of xAven, dthe sin of Israel,
shall be destroyed.
eThorn and thistle shall grow up
on their altars,
and fthey shall say to the mountains, “Cover us,”
and to the hills, “Fall on us.”
9 From gthe days of Gibeah, you have sinned, O Israel;
there they have continued.
Shall not the war against the unjust7 overtake them in Gibeah?
10 hWhen I please, iI will discipline them,
and nations shall be gathered against them
when they are bound up for jtheir double iniquity.
that kloved to thresh,
and I spared her fair neck;
but I will put lEphraim to the yoke;
lJudah must plow;
Jacob must harrow for himself.
12 mSow for yourselves righteousness;
reap steadfast love;
nbreak up your fallow ground,
for it is the time to seek the Lord,
that he may come and orain righteousness upon you.
13 pYou have plowed iniquity;
you have reaped injustice;
you have eaten the fruit of lies.
Because you have trusted in your own way
and in the multitude of your warriors,
14 therefore qthe tumult of war shall arise among your people,
and all your fortresses shall be destroyed,
as rShalman destroyed Beth-arbel on the day of battle;
smothers were dashed in pieces with their children.
15 Thus it shall be done to you, O tBethel,
because of your great evil.
At dawn athe king of Israel
shall be utterly cut off.
11 uWhen Israel was a child, vI loved him,
and out of Egypt I wcalled xmy son.
2 yThe more they were called,
the more they went away;
zthey kept sacrificing to the Baals
and burning offerings to idols.
3 Yet it was aI who taught Ephraim to walk;
I took them up by their arms,
but they did not know that bI healed them.
4 cI led them with cords of kindness,1
with the bands of love,
and dI became to them as one who eases the yoke on their jaws,
and eI bent down to them and fed them.
5 fThey shall not2 return to the land of Egypt,
but gAssyria shall be their king,
hbecause ithey have refused to return to me.
6 jThe sword shall rage against their cities,
consume the bars of their gates,
and devour them kbecause of their own counsels.
7 My people are bent lon turning away from me,
and though mthey call out to the Most High,
he shall not raise them up at all.
8 How can I give you up, O Ephraim?
How can I hand you over, O Israel?
nHow can I make you olike Admah?
How can I treat you olike Zeboiim?
pMy heart recoils within me;
my compassion grows warm and tender.
9 I will not execute my burning anger;
I will not again destroy Ephraim;
qfor I am God and not a man,
rthe Holy One in your midst,
and I will not come in wrath.3
10 sThey shall go after the Lord;
the will roar like a lion;
when he…
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1 | Or in his presence |
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2 | Or to the Most High |
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j | |
k | |
1 | Hebrew He has |
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2 | Or shall go up in flames |
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a | |
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1 | Or like Tyre |
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2 | Hebrew to him who slaughters |
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q | |
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1 | Hebrew He |
s | |
t | |
2 | Or vain (see Exodus 20:7) |
u | |
v | |
w | |
3 | Or calves |
x | |
y | |
4 | Or has gone into exile |
z | |
a | |
5 | Or to King Jareb |
b | |
6 | Or counsel |
c | |
x | |
d | |
e | |
f | |
g | |
7 | Hebrew the children of injustice |
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j | |
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q | |
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t | |
a | |
u | |
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w | |
x | |
y | |
z | |
a | |
b | |
c | |
1 | Or humaneness; Hebrew man |
d | |
e | |
f | |
2 | Or surely |
g | |
h | |
i | |
j | |
k | |
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m | |
n | |
o | |
p | |
q | |
r | |
3 | Or into the city |
s | |
t |
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