
1 Kings 8:6–13

rThen the priests brought the ark of the covenant of the Lord sto its place in tthe inner sanctuary of the house, in the Most Holy Place, underneath the wings of the cherubim. For the cherubim spread out their wings over the place of the ark, so that the cherubim overshadowed the ark and its poles. uAnd the poles were so long that the ends of the poles were seen from the Holy Place before tthe inner sanctuary; but they could not be seen from outside. And they are there to this day. There was nothing in the ark except vthe two tablets of stone that Moses put there at Horeb, where wthe Lord made a covenant with the people of Israel, when they came out of the land of Egypt. 10 And when the priests came out of the Holy Place, xa cloud filled the house of the Lord, 11 so that the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud, for the glory of the Lord filled the house of the Lord.

Solomon Blesses the Lord

12 yThen Solomon said, “The Lord1 has said that he would dwell zin thick darkness. 13 aI have indeed built you an exalted house, ba place for you to dwell in forever.”

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