
Micah 6:9–15


The voice of the Lord calls out to the cityB

(and it is wise to fear your name):

“Pay attention to the rod

and the one who ordained it.C

10 Are there stillD the treasures of wickednessy

and the accursed short measurez

in the house of the wicked?

11 Can I excuse wicked scales

or bags of deceptive weights?aa

12 For the wealthy of the city are full of violence,ab

and its residents speak lies;ac

the tongues in their mouths are deceitful.ad

13 “As a result, I have begun to strike you severely,E,ae

bringing desolation because of your sins.af

14 You will eat but not be satisfied,ag

for there will be hunger within you.

What you acquire, you cannot save,ah

and what you do save,

I will give to the sword.D

15 You will sow but not reap;ai

you will press olives

but not anoint yourself with oil;

and you will tread grapes

but not drink the wine.aj

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